
I am Laura Schwanhausser and I was born in New York and grew up in Berlin.

From an early age on I learned to appreciate the value of nature and a healthy environment. Specializing in sustainable architecture was a natural choice.

In the course of my studies and my practical experience, however, I discovered that in many approaches including within the sustainability movement, people’s needs often play no or only a minor role. Because I believe in making life easier for people, I therefore chose to specialize in human-centered architecture in connection with sustainability.

My education ranges from a Master of Science in ‘Architecture and the Environment’ to a certification for Healthier Materials and Sustainable Building and Neuroschience and Design. Currently I am getting a certification in Residential and Architectural Psychology.

I have worked in various architectural firms in New York, Munich, Frankfurt and Berlin.

I currently live in and work out of Berlin, Germany.

Photo: ®Laura Jost Photography

Get in Touch: info@hcsa-studio.com